Agro and Food Processing: Project Opportunities in Uttarakhand


Food processing involves any type of value addition to agricultural or horticultural produce and also includes processes such as grading, sorting and packaging which enhance shelf life of food products. The food processing industry provides vital linkages and synergies between industry and agriculture. The Food Processing Industry sector in India is one of the largest in terms of production, consumption, export and growth prospects. The government has accorded it a high priority, with a number of fiscal reliefs and incentives, to encourage commercialization and value addition to agricultural produce, for minimizing pre/post harvest wastage, generating employment and export growth. India's food processing sector covers a wide range of products fruit and vegetables; meat and poultry; milk and milk products, alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product groups like confectionery, chocolates and cocoa products, Soya-based products, mineral water, high protein foods etc.


Uttarakhand comprises of total are 5672568 Hectares, of which forest area is 3485847 hectares. Fruits such as apples, oranges, pear, grapes peach, plum apricot, litchi, mangoes and guava are widely grown in the state and therefore have immense potential for development of horticultural crops and processing units. The State Government will assist in establishing small & medium size Agro Parks, Food Parks etc., which will provide common infrastructure facilities for storage, processing, grading and marketing, thus ensuring that surplus fruits and vegetables do not go waste as at present. Four Agri Export Zones have already been declared under the AEZ scheme of the Government of India for Litchi, Horticulture, Herbs, Medicinal Plants and Basmati Rice. Further, efforts will continue to promote production for export and provide access to domestic and export markets for products from the State.


The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) is a ministry of the Government of India is responsible for formulation and administration of the rules and regulations and laws relating to food processing in India. The ministry was set up in the year 1988, with a view to develop a strong and vibrant food processing industry, to create increased employment in rural sector and enable farmers to reap the benefits of modern technology and to create a of surplus for exports and stimulating demand for processed food.

•        Custom duty rates have been substantially reduced on food processing plant and equipments, as well as on raw materials and intermediates, especially for export production.

•        Wide-ranging fiscal policy changes have been introduced progressively in food processing sector. Excise and Import duty rates have been reduced substantially. Many processed food items are totally exempt from excise duty.

•        Corporate taxes have been reduced and there is a shift towards market related interest rates. There are tax incentives for new manufacturing units for certain years, except for industries like beer, wine, aerated water using flavouring concentrates, confectionery, chocolates etc.

•        Indian currency, rupee, is now fully convertible on current account and convertibility on capital account with unified exchange rate mechanism is foreseen in coming years.

•        Repatriation of profits is freely permitted in many industries except for some, where there is an additional requirement of balancing the dividend payments through export earnings.


Biotechnology: Project Opportunities in Uttarakhand


The Biotechnology sector in India is one of the fastest growing sectors of the Indian Economy. As the sector is mainly based on knowledge, it is expected that it will play an important part in shaping the Indian Economy, which is developing at a rapid pace. The Indian Biotechnology sector holds immense potential in terms of research and development, skill and cost effectiveness. As per the eight annual survey by the Association of Biotechnology-led enterprise (ABLE) and a monthly journal, Bio-Spectrum, the sector grew threefold in five years and reported a revenue of US$ 3 billion during 2009-2011 with a 17 per cent rise as compared to the previous year.


Uttarakhand is an ideal destination to invest in biotechnology-based industries because of several inherent advantages and being host to vast diversity of flora and fauna and rare species of plants and animals. A high-level biotechnology board is being setup to pursue initiatives in the field of research. The state will accord the units coming under this sector with the industry status and aims to establish an internationally competitive business infrastructure and environment for the industry in the state. Further, a biotechnology park is to be developed that will integrate resources and provide a focused institutional set up for accelerated commercial growth of bio-technology and bio-informatics. The Government is also in the process of creating an Exchange for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants to serve as a common platform for research institutions, technology developers and producers.


The Uttarakhand Board of Biotechnology (UBB) will help the R&D Institutions of the State to seek funds from the national and international funding agencies / donors to upgrade the infrastructure facilities. Depending upon the need, UBB and the State Government will also try to fund R&D facilities through its own resources. The State Government undertakes to provide the following facilities/terms to the companies desirous of establishing BT units in the State:

•        BT Units including related R&D Units will enjoy the status of industry and will be eligible for incentives and concessions as provided for the relevant category/class of industry in the Industrial Policy of the State. For this purpose they shall be treated as Priority Sector Industry. Department of Biotechnology will provide The State Government undertakes to provide the following facilities/terms to the companies “single-window clearance” and shall issue only one application form to set up BT Units in the State.

•        The Government proposes to establish in association with private sector a BT Park initially at Halide, Pantnagar where land/plots would be made available to prospective entrepreneurs on favourable terms. The latter, however, are also free to choose their own sites or locate the same in the other established Industrial Areas in the State.

Hydropower: Project Opportunities in Uttarakhand


Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. India was the 7th largest producer of hydroelectric power in 2008 after Norway: 114 TWh and 3.5 % the world total in 2008. The potential for hydroelectric power in India is one of the greatest in the world. Small hydropower offers a wide range of benefits-especially for rural areas and developing countries. The resource is environmentally responsible and has substantial economic advantages. Efforts also being made to improve the exchange of ideas and technology related to small hydropower. In India, small hydropower up to capacity of 25 MW also includes the mini-and-micro hydropower projects which are usually confined strictly to local use. A potential of over 15,000 MW has been identified from small hydropower and Government of India has been according top priority to SHP development as thrust area.


Uttarakhand has a large network of rivers and canals which provides an immense scope for hydro-power energy. In India, the development of Micro, Mini, and Small Hydro Power Projects started in the year 1897. One of the first hydro-power stations in India was commissioned at Galogi in 1907. More power stations were subsequently developed over a period of time. In Uttarakhand, the estimated capacity of Small hydro power projects is about 1500 MW out of total estimated capacity of 20,363 MW Uttaranchal has a hydropower potential of the order of 20236 MW against which only about 1407 MW has been harnessed so far.


The Government of Uttaranchal (GoU) has decided to encourage generation of power through small hydropower sources of energy, and has framed a policy so that the development of this sector serves as an engine to achieve the objective of promoting the all-round development of the region. To encourage generation of hydropower the government of Uttarakhand has formulated and implemented policies with following objectives:

•        Creation of conducive conditions for encouraging private sector participation

•        Harnessing water resources in an environment friendly manner

•        Meeting the energy demand of the state/country

•        Promotion of the overall development of the region

•        Generation of revenue from hydro resources


Mineral: Project Opportunities in Uttarakhand


A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties. India is endowed with significant mineral resources. India produces 89 minerals out of which 4 are fuel minerals, 11 metallic, 52 non-metallic and 22 minor minerals.


Mineral resources of Uttarakhand play a significant role in the economy of Uttarakhand. The Chamoli district of Uttarakhand is especially famous for housing a number of mineral resources in Uttarakhand. The northern division of the district consist entirely of medium to high grade metamorphic rocks, which also contains bands of volcanic rocks in some areas; the southern division contains sedimentary and low-grade metamorphic rocks, with bands of volcanic rocks in some regions. Although much is not known about the geology of the first division of Chamoli, yet the mineral resources contain rocks such as quartzite, marble, and various types of schist and gneiss. The southern division contains rocks such as gneiss, limestone, phyllites, quartzite, sericite-biotite schist and slate.

Some of the important minerals that form a major part of the mineral resources of Uttarakhand are: Asbestos, Magnestic, Soapstone or Steatite, Copper, Iron, Graphite, Gold, Gypsum, Lead, Slate, Limestone, Building Stone, Sulfur, and Bitumen. Beside these major mineral resources, some of the other mineral resources of Uttarakhand also play a major role in enhancing the economy of Uttarakhand. Some of those mineral resources are: Antimony, Arsenic, Lignite or Brown Marble, Mica, Silver, etc.



Keeping in view the long term national goals and perspective for exploitation of minerals, Government of India has revised its earlier National Mineral Policy, 1993 and came up with a new National Mineral Policy 2008. Basic goals of NMP 2008 are-

1.       Regional and detailed exploration using state of the art techniques in time bound manner.

2.       Zero waste mining

For achieving the above goals, important changes envisaged are:

•        Creation of improved regulatory environment to make it more conducive to investment and technology flows

•        Transparency in allocation of concessions

•        Preference for value addition

•        Development of proper inventory of resources and reserves

•        Enforcement of mining plans for adoption of proper mining methods and   optimum utilization of minerals 

•        Data filing requirements will be rigorously monitored

•        Old disused mining sites will be used for plantation or for other useful purposes.

•        Mining infrastructure will be upgraded through PPP initiatives

•        State PSU involved in mining sector will be modernized

•        State Directorate will be strengthened to enable it to regulate   mining in a proper way and to check illegal mining

•        There will be arms length distance between State agencies that mine  and those that regulate

•        Productivity and economics of mining operation, safety and health of workers and others will be encouraged.

Tourism: Project Opportunities in Uttarakhand


Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. The tourism industry in India is substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast becoming a major global destination. India’s travel and tourism industry is one of them most profitable industries in the country, and also credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign exchange. Indian Tourism offers a potpourri of different cultures, traditions, festivals, and places of interest.


Uttarakhand - the land of gods, the home of Himalayas and truly a paradise on earth, allures everyone from everywhere. Uttarakhand is paradise for different types of adventure activities. Like River Rafting, Trekking, Skiing, Camping, Rock Climbing, Rappelling, River Crossing. Mountaineering, Paragliding and Hot Ballooning make Uttarakhand one of the most attractive destinations for adventure sports not only in the India but the world. Gangotri and Yamunotri, the sources of both the Ganges and Yamuna fall in the upper reaches of the state and together with Badrinath (dedicated to Vishnu) and Kedarnath (dedicated to Shiva) form the Char Dham, one of Hinduism's most spiritual and auspicious pilgrimage circuits. Haridwar, meaning "Gateway to God" is a prime Hindu destination. Haridwar hosts the Kumbha Mela every twelve years, in which millions of pilgrims take part from all parts of the India and the world. Rishikesh near Haridwar is known as the preeminent yoga centre of India. The state has an abundance of temples and shrines, many dedicated to local deities or manifestations of Shiva and Durga, references to many of which can be found in Hindu scriptures and legends.


In order to develop tourism in India in a systematic manner, position it as a major engine of economic growth and to harness its direct and multiplier effects for employment and poverty eradication in an environmentally sustainable manner, the National Tourism Policy was formulated in the year 2002. Broadly, the Policy attempts to:-

•        Position tourism as a major engine of economic growth;

•        Harness the direct and multiplier effects of tourism for employment generation, economic development and providing impetus to rural tourism;

•        Focus on domestic tourism as a major driver of tourism growth.

•        Position India as a global brand to take advantage of the burgeoning global travel trade and the vast untapped potential of India as a destination;

•        Acknowledges the critical role of private sector with government working as a pro-active facilitator and catalyst;

•        Create and develop integrated tourism circuits based on India’s unique civilization, heritage, and culture in partnership with States, private sector and other agencies; and ensure that the tourist to India gets physically invigorated, mentally rejuvenated, culturally enriched, spiritually elevated and feel India from within.


Waste management and recycling: Project Opportunities in Uttarakhand


Rapid industrialization last few decades have led to the depletion of pollution of precious natural resources in India depletes and pollutes resources continuously. Further the rapid industrial developments have, also, led to the generation of huge quantities of hazardous wastes, which have further aggravated the environmental problems in the country by depleting and polluting natural resources. Therefore, rational and sustainable utilization of natural resources and its protection from toxic releases is vital for sustainable socio-economic development.

Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.


Investments are aimed at improving public health and the environmental quality in the Program towns and the adjacent open land and water bodies by increasing solid waste collection coverage from 50% to 72% and supporting sound solid waste disposal methods. Improvements will be directed at (i) segregation of solid waste at household level and handling and management improvements at wards and town levels with an emphasis on waste minimization, (ii) provision of solid waste collection and transportation equipment, and (iii) construction of sanitary landfills in accordance with GoI’s Municipal Solid Waste Management and Handling Rules 2000. These will develop into a State wide SWM strategy, action plan, and town wise SWM master plan reports supported by capacity building of ULBs in SWM.


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management- Changing our ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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A Business Plan For Sanitary Napkins
A Business Plan For Sanitary Napkins

A sanitary napkin, also kno... Read More

Capacity : Sanitary Napkins 4,800 PKTS per day
Plant and Machinery cost: 26.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):67.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 84.00Lakhs
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Start Manufacturing Of Blood Collection Tubes (Vacutainer)
Start Manufacturing Of Blood Collection Tubes (Vacutainer)

Blood collection tubes, also known as Vacutainer, are essential tools used in the med... Read More

Capacity : -
Plant and Machinery cost: 464.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):32.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):53.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 985.00Lakhs
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Start Production Of Potato Flakes
Start Production Of Potato Flakes

Capacity : Potato Flakes 2 MT Per Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 178.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):25.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):45.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 563.00Lakhs
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Setup Manufacturing Unit Of Bicycle Saddle & Pedals
Setup Manufacturing Unit Of Bicycle Saddle & Pedals

Bicycle saddles and pedals are two crucial components that di... Read More

Capacity : Saddle 7,000 Unit Per Day Pedals 10,000 Unit Per Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 208.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):31.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):54.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 575.00Lakhs
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Opportunity in Sodium Sulfide Flakes Business From Sulfur and Caustic Soda
Opportunity in Sodium Sulfide Flakes Business From Sulfur and Caustic Soda

Sodium Sulfide Flakes, scie... Read More

Capacity : Sodium Sulfide Flakes 10,000 MT Per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 282.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):30.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):49.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1426.00Lakhs
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Business Plan for Lithium Ion Battery (Battery Assembly)
Business Plan for Lithium Ion Battery (Battery Assembly)

A lithium ion battery (Battery Assembly) is a rechargeable battery that is typically ... Read More

Capacity : -
Plant and Machinery cost: 172.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):29.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):61.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 812.00Lakhs
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Start Manufacturing Business of Steel Containers (Cargo Containers)
Start Manufacturing Business of Steel Containers (Cargo Containers)

Read More

Capacity : Cargo Containers (Size 20 Feet) 34 Nos Per Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 272.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):29.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):51.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1992.00Lakhs
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Start Cutting and Grinding Disc Business
Start Cutting and Grinding Disc Business


Cutting and grind... Read More

Capacity : Cutting Disc Size: (115 mm x 1 mm) 2,000 Pcs Pr Day Grinding Disc (115 mm x 6 mm) 2,000 Pcs Pr Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 141.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):48.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 423.00Lakhs
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Mink Blankets Production
Mink Blankets Production


Mink blankets, de... Read More

Capacity : -
Plant and Machinery cost: 2700.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):42.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 6000.00Lakhs
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A Business Plan for Micronutrient Fortified Energy Dense Food (Rice Based)
A Business Plan for Micronutrient Fortified Energy Dense Food (Rice Based)


Micronutrient For... Read More

Capacity : Micronutrient Fortified Energy Dense Food 100 MT Per Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 1300.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):57.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 3500.00Lakhs
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Start Business of Caustic Soda (Solids, Liquids, Flakes & Pearls)
Start Business of Caustic Soda (Solids, Liquids, Flakes & Pearls)

Read More

Capacity : -
Plant and Machinery cost: 29000.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):25.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):33.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 56500.00Lakhs
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Start Crumb Rubber Powder Business from Waste Tyre (with Shredding Process)
Start Crumb Rubber Powder Business from Waste Tyre (with Shredding Process)

Crumb Rubber Powder represents a finely milled material produ... Read More

Capacity : Crumb Rubber Powder 10 MT Per Day By Product Steel Wire 2 MT Per Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 97.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):26.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):56.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 303.00Lakhs
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Start Rice Milling Plant
Start Rice Milling Plant

The rice milling process is a crucial series of operations aimed at transforming paddy, or rough rice, into edible rice that's ready for the market... Read More

Capacity : -
Plant and Machinery cost: 173.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):52.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 824.00Lakhs
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Start Manufacturing of Wooden Pencils
Start Manufacturing of Wooden Pencils

Wooden pencils are traditional writing instruments crafted from a solid wood casing that encloses a strip of graphite, commonly referred to as "lea... Read More

Capacity : Wooden Pencils 69,444 Gross Per Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 1000.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):47.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 2400.00Lakhs
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A Business Plan for Monocrystalline Silicon Ingots
A Business Plan for Monocrystalline Silicon Ingots


Monocrystalline Silicon Ingots are cylindrical-shaped, single-crystal silic... Read More

Capacity : Monocrystalline Silicon Ingots 400 Kgs Per Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 178.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):45.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 555.00Lakhs
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A Business Plan for Fiber Glass Tape
A Business Plan for Fiber Glass Tape


Fiber Glass Tape ... Read More

Capacity : Fiberglass Tape 24,000 Mtrs. Per Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 190.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):47.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 442.00Lakhs
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Setup Plant of Compressed Bio Gas Using Napier Grass
Setup Plant of Compressed Bio Gas Using Napier Grass

Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) is a form of renewable energy derived from the anaerobic dig... Read More

Capacity : -
Plant and Machinery cost: 421.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):56.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 950.00Lakhs
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Manufacturing of Sodium Chlorite Liquid from Powder (31 Percent Liquid NaClO2)
Manufacturing of Sodium Chlorite Liquid from Powder (31 Percent Liquid NaClO2)

Sodium chlorite (NaClO2) is a chemical compound used in the manufacturing of paper and as a disinfect... Read More

Capacity : Sodium Chlorite Liquid: 1.7 MT / Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 7.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):61.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 120.00Lakhs
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Manufacturing of Banana Wafers (Deep Fried Snack Food)
Manufacturing of Banana Wafers (Deep Fried Snack Food)

Fried banana wafers are a deep fried snack food prepared from green fresh mature bananas of the cookin... Read More

Capacity : Banana Wafers (40 gms size): 10,700 Packets / Day Banana Wafers (20 gms size): 21,300 Packets / Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 37.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):30.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):53.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 393.00Lakhs
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Fruit Wine (Alcoholic Beverage) Manufacturing Plant
Fruit Wine (Alcoholic Beverage) Manufacturing Plant

Fruit wines are fermented alcoholic beverages made up of a variety of base ingredients (other tha... Read More

Capacity : Fruit Wine (750 ml size Bollte): 2,666.7 Bottles / Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 150.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):26.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):41.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 873.00Lakhs
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Production of Needles for Sewing and Embroidery Machine
Production of Needles for Sewing and Embroidery Machine

A sewing needle, used for hand-sewing, may be a long slender tool with a pointed tip at one end and a hole (... Read More

Capacity : Sewing Needles (30 g each) per Pack 50 Pcs.: 6,400 Packs / Day Embroidery Needles (30 g each) per P
Plant and Machinery cost: 256.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):59.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 939.00Lakhs
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Manufacturing of Pasta and Macaroni
Manufacturing of Pasta and Macaroni

Pasta may be a food that's loved by people of all age bracket. It not just ea... Read More

Capacity : Pasta (1 Kg Pack): 13,000 Packs / Day Macaroni (1 Kg Pack) : 13,000 Packs / Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 863.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):12.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):65.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1300.00Lakhs
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Aluminium Ingots (Aluminium Alloy Ingots) from Aluminium Scrap Manufacturing
Aluminium Ingots (Aluminium Alloy Ingots) from Aluminium Scrap Manufacturing

Ingots are very large casting products, greater in size and shape than blooms, billets and sla... Read More

Capacity : Aluminium Alloy Ingots: 24 MT / Day Aluminium Scrap : 0.40 MT / Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 186.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):30.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):62.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 703.00Lakhs
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31 Best Industry Business Plans for Starting a Small Scale Business with Investment of 25 Lakhs (Plant and Machinery)
31 Best Industry Business Plans for Starting a Small Scale Business with Investment of 25 Lakhs (Plant and Machinery)

31 Best Industry Business Plans for Starting a Small Scale Business with Investment of 25 Lakhs (Plant and Machinery). Highly Profitable Busi... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Manufacturing of CPVC (Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride)
Manufacturing of CPVC (Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride)


CPVC could be a high-temperature plastic pressure piping system introduced for ... Read More

Capacity : Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride: 80 MT/ Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 588.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):49.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 2283.00Lakhs
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Plant‐Based Meat Alternatives -Meat Analogue, Vegan Meat & Mock Meat Manufacturing from Soyabean and Wheat Gluten
Plant‐Based Meat Alternatives -Meat Analogue, Vegan Meat & Mock Meat Manufacturing from Soyabean and Wheat Gluten

A meat analogue, also referred to as a meat alternative or substitute, or as mock, imitation, vegetarian, or vegan mea... Read More

Capacity : Meat Analogue (200 gms each Pack): 1000 Packs / Day Vegan Meat (200 gms each Pack): 1000 Packs / Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 17.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):29.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):62.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 138.00Lakhs
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Beer Production from Rice with Packaging in Can & Bottles
Beer Production from Rice with Packaging in Can & Bottles

Beer is distributed in bottles and cans and is additionally commonly available on draught, particularly in pubs and bars. The brewing industry may ... Read More

Capacity : Rice Beer (650 ml Bottle):12,924 No’s/Day Rice Beer (500 ml Can): 16,800 No’s/Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 2631.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):42.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 4596.00Lakhs
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Ferrochrome Manufacturing Business
Ferrochrome Manufacturing Business


Ferrochrome is an alloy that combines chromium wit... Read More

Capacity : Ferrochrome 135 MT Per Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 26900.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):10.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):46.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 40400.00Lakhs
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Start a Business Of LPG Cylinders
Start a Business Of LPG Cylinders

LPG cylinders are pressurized containers and transport lique... Read More

Capacity : LPG Cylinders (14.20 Kgs Size) 3,334.0 Nos. per day LPG Cylinders (19 Kgs Size) 3,334.0 Nos. per day
Plant and Machinery cost: 911.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):32.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):46.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 3475.00Lakhs
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Start Banana Wine Production Business
Start Banana Wine Production Business

Wine has been popular for centuries, and this fermented beve... Read More

Capacity : Banana Wine (750 ml size Bollte) 2,960 Bottles per day
Plant and Machinery cost: 530.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):25.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):47.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1189.00Lakhs
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Activated Carbon From Rice Husk Saw Dust & Coconut Shell Manufacturing Business Plan
Activated Carbon From Rice Husk Saw Dust & Coconut Shell Manufacturing Business Plan


Activated carbon is a type of carbon that has been... Read More

Capacity : Activated Carbon 2,000 Kg Per Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 334.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):25.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):41.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 606.00Lakhs
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Set Up Activated Carbon From Rice Husk, Saw Dust & Coconut Shell Manufacturing Business Plan
Set Up Activated Carbon From Rice Husk, Saw Dust & Coconut Shell Manufacturing Business Plan

Activated carbon is a type of carbon that has been treated w... Read More

Capacity : Activated Carbon 2,000 Kg Per Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 334.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):25.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):41.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 606.00Lakhs
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Set Up Business of Flat Glass Manufacturing Most Profitable Idea for Flat Glass Production Business
Set Up Business of Flat Glass Manufacturing Most Profitable Idea for Flat Glass Production Business

A flat glass Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Set Up Business of Double Wall Corrugated Pipes Manufacturing Most Profitable Idea for Double Wall Corrugated Pipes Manufacturing Business
Set Up Business of Double Wall Corrugated Pipes Manufacturing Most Profitable Idea for Double Wall Corrugated Pipes Manufacturing Business

A type of pipe utilized in numerous applications is Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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A Business Plan for Bio-Degradable Plastic Polymer from Corn
A Business Plan for Bio-Degradable Plastic Polymer from Corn

Corn is a popular source for materials that can be recycled into bio-degradable plast... Read More

Capacity : 10,000 MT Per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 6058.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):38.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 8100.00Lakhs
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Sulphur Powder Manufacturing Business
Sulphur Powder Manufacturing Business


Sulphur powder, o... Read More

Capacity : 20,000 MT Per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 1225.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):24.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):40.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 4318.00Lakhs
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Manufacturing Business Ginger Oil & Ginger Powder
Manufacturing Business Ginger Oil & Ginger Powder


Ginger oil, also ... Read More

Capacity : 60,000 Kg. Per Annum , 1,44,000 Kg. Per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 381.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):66.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 528.00Lakhs
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Start a Business of Manufacturing Steel Epoxy Putty Stick
Start a Business of Manufacturing Steel Epoxy Putty Stick

In the 1960s, MIT researche... Read More

Capacity : 1,500 Dz. Per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 2.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):35.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):35.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 34.00Lakhs
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Start Activated Carbon from Rice Husk, Saw Dust & Coconut Shell Processing Business Profitable & Potential Business Idea of Activated Carbon from Rice Husk, Saw Dust & Coconut Shell
Start Activated Carbon from Rice Husk, Saw Dust & Coconut Shell Processing Business Profitable & Potential Business Idea of Activated Carbon from Rice Husk, Saw Dust & Coconut Shell

Popular air purifiers conta... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Most Demandable Business Idea for Mini Steel Plant (Billets and TMT Bar) Start Production of Steel Billets and TMT Bar
Most Demandable Business Idea for Mini Steel Plant (Billets and TMT Bar) Start Production of Steel Billets and TMT Bar

One of the most widely used metals in the world, Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Cumin, Turmeric, Chilly & Coriander Trading or Exporter
Cumin, Turmeric, Chilly & Coriander Trading or Exporter

In the food industry, Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Start Production Of Wire Nails
Start Production Of Wire Nails


Wire nails are a ... Read More

Capacity : Wire Nails: 48,000 MT Per Annum, Wire Scraps: 4,500 MT Per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 939.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):30.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):70.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1736.00Lakhs
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Auto Brake Pad  and  Auto Brake Shoe Production Business
Auto Brake Pad and Auto Brake Shoe Production Business


Auto Brake Pads a... Read More

Capacity : Auto Brake Pads 3,600,000 Nos. Per Annum Auto Brake Shoes 720,000 Nos. Per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 279.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):45.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1422.00Lakhs
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Business Plan for Production of Double and Single Wall Vacuum Steel Bottles
Business Plan for Production of Double and Single Wall Vacuum Steel Bottles


Double-wall vacuu... Read More

Capacity : Double Wall Vacuum Steel Bottles 600,000 Bottles Per Annum Single Wall Vacuum Steel Bottles 600,0
Plant and Machinery cost: 963.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):52.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1619.00Lakhs
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A Business Plan for Ferric Pyrophosphate
A Business Plan for Ferric Pyrophosphate


Ferric pyrophosph... Read More

Capacity : Ferric Pyrophosphate 600 MT Per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 48.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):31.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):73.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 133.00Lakhs
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How to Start A Business of Auto Piston
How to Start A Business of Auto Piston

An Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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A Business Plan for Seaworthy Containers
A Business Plan for Seaworthy Containers

Seaworthy containers are a new type of shipping container that have been designed to withstand the condit... Read More

Capacity : Standard Seaworthy Container Size: 20Ft 2,400 Nos. Per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 907.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):28.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):43.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 2040.00Lakhs
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Setup Extraction of Salt  From Sea Water  Plant
Setup Extraction of Salt From Sea Water Plant


Extraction of salt from sea water is a process by which salt is removed from the seawater. Salt... Read More

Capacity : Iodized Salt: 30,000 MT per annum, Industrial Salt: 30,000 MT per annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 1156.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):29.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):41.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 2776.00Lakhs
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A business Plan For Surgical Sutures (Assembling)
A business Plan For Surgical Sutures (Assembling)


Surgical sutures are a vital part of the medical industry and are used in numerous medical proc... Read More

Capacity : Surgical Sutures: 450,000 Boxes per annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 169.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):63.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 877.00Lakhs
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Starting up production of  Glycerol Monostearate
Starting up production of Glycerol Monostearate

Glycerol monostearate is an organic compound that is derived from glycerol and used as an emulsifier, thi... Read More

Capacity : Glycerol Monostearate: 900 MT Per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 93.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):29.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):64.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 320.00Lakhs
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Startup A Business of Double and Single Wall Vacuum Steel Bottles Setup the Manufacturing Plant of Double and Single Wall Vacuum Steel Bottles
Startup A Business of Double and Single Wall Vacuum Steel Bottles Setup the Manufacturing Plant of Double and Single Wall Vacuum Steel Bottles

Because the double-walled design prevents condensation on the outside of the bottle... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Now Is The Time To Take Control Of Your Future And Start A Business
Now Is The Time To Take Control Of Your Future And Start A Business


Starting a busine... Read More

Capacity : 0
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):0.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):0.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Start Production of Potato Chips And  Extruded Snack Food  (Kurkure Type)
Start Production of Potato Chips And Extruded Snack Food (Kurkure Type)

Potato Chips a... Read More

Capacity : Potato Chips: 150,000 Kgs Per Annum Kurkure Type Snacks: 150,000 Kgs Per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 43.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):30.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):71.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 121.00Lakhs
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Setup Cashew Nut Processing Plant
Setup Cashew Nut Processing Plant

Cashew nut pro... Read More

Capacity : Cashew Nut Processing: 4,794 Kgs Per Day
Plant and Machinery cost: 600.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):23.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):76.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1100.00Lakhs
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Start a Business of Particle Board  From Rice Husk
Start a Business of Particle Board From Rice Husk

Particle board, also known ... Read More

Capacity : Particle Board (Size 4ftx8ftx16 inch.): 150,000 Nos. Per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 200.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):30.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):70.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1100.00Lakhs
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A Business Plan for Wood Plastic Composite (WPC)
A Business Plan for Wood Plastic Composite (WPC)


Wood... Read More

Capacity : Wood Plastic Composite (WPC): 10 Million Sq.Ft. per annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 406.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):61.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 790.00Lakhs
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Start a Production Of Soda Ash  By Solvay Process
Start a Production Of Soda Ash By Solvay Process

Soda ash, or sodium carbonate, is a white, powdery chemical commonly used in the prod... Read More

Capacity : Soda Ash (Na2CO3): 200,000 MT Per Annum, Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl): 200,000 MT Per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 105000.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):14.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):43.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 1265.00Lakhs
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Setup Plant OF Hot Dip Galvanizing
Setup Plant OF Hot Dip Galvanizing


Hot ... Read More

Capacity : All Types of MS Structure 120 MT per day
Plant and Machinery cost: 619.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):25.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):42.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 2647.00Lakhs
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A Business Plan for Potato Powder, Starch & Flakes
A Business Plan for Potato Powder, Starch & Flakes

Potato Powder, Starch & Flakes are a range of products derived from the tuber of ... Read More

Capacity : -
Plant and Machinery cost: 0.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):27.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):58.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 0.00Lakhs
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Start a Business of Lithium Ion Battery (Battery Assembly)
Start a Business of Lithium Ion Battery (Battery Assembly)

A lithium-ion or Li-ion battery is a type of rec... Read More

Capacity : Lithium-Ion Battery 60,000 Nos per Annum
Plant and Machinery cost: 172.00 Lakhs
Working Capital : 0.00
Rate of Return (ROR):29.00%
Break Even Point (BEP):61.00 %
TCI :0.00 Lakhs
Cost of Project : 812.00Lakhs
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NameCapacityRate of return (ROR):Cost of project
A Business Plan For Sanit... Sanitary Napkins 4,800 PKTS per day 27.00 84.00
Start Manufacturing Of Bl... - 32.00 985.00
Start Production Of Potat... Potato Flakes 2 MT Per Day 25.00 563.00
Setup Manufacturing Unit ... Saddle 7,000 Unit Per Day Pedals 10,000 Unit Per Day 31.00 575.00
Opportunity in Sodium Sul... Sodium Sulfide Flakes 10,000 MT Per Annum 30.00 1426.00
Business Plan for Lithium... - 29.00 812.00
Start Manufacturing Busin... Cargo Containers (Size 20 Feet) 34 Nos Per Day 29.00 1992.00
Start Cutting and Grindin... Cutting Disc Size: (115 mm x 1 mm) 2,000 Pcs Pr Day Grinding Disc (115 mm x 6 mm) 2,000 Pcs Pr Day 28.00 423.00
Mink Blankets Production - 27.00 6000.00
A Business Plan for Micro... Micronutrient Fortified Energy Dense Food 100 MT Per Day 28.00 3500.00
Start Business of Caustic... - 25.00 56500.00
Start Crumb Rubber Powder... Crumb Rubber Powder 10 MT Per Day By Product Steel Wire 2 MT Per Day 26.00 303.00
Start Rice Milling Plant - 28.00 824.00
Start Manufacturing of Wo... Wooden Pencils 69,444 Gross Per Day 28.00 2400.00
A Business Plan for Monoc... Monocrystalline Silicon Ingots 400 Kgs Per Day 28.00 555.00
A Business Plan for Fiber... Fiberglass Tape 24,000 Mtrs. Per Day 28.00 442.00
Setup Plant of Compressed... - 28.00 950.00
Manufacturing of Sodium C... Sodium Chlorite Liquid: 1.7 MT / Day 28.00 120.00
Manufacturing of Banana W... Banana Wafers (40 gms size): 10,700 Packets / Day Banana Wafers (20 gms size): 21,300 Packets / Day 30.00 393.00
Fruit Wine (Alcoholic Bev... Fruit Wine (750 ml size Bollte): 2,666.7 Bottles / Day 26.00 873.00
Production of Needles for... Sewing Needles (30 g each) per Pack 50 Pcs.: 6,400 Packs / Day Embroidery Needles (30 g each) per P 27.00 939.00
Manufacturing of Pasta an... Pasta (1 Kg Pack): 13,000 Packs / Day Macaroni (1 Kg Pack) : 13,000 Packs / Day 12.00 1300.00
Aluminium Ingots (Alumini... Aluminium Alloy Ingots: 24 MT / Day Aluminium Scrap : 0.40 MT / Day 30.00 703.00
31 Best Industry Business... 0 0.00 0.00
Manufacturing of CPVC (Ch... Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride: 80 MT/ Day 28.00 2283.00
Plant‐Based Meat Alternat... Meat Analogue (200 gms each Pack): 1000 Packs / Day Vegan Meat (200 gms each Pack): 1000 Packs / Day 29.00 138.00
Beer Production from Rice... Rice Beer (650 ml Bottle):12,924 No’s/Day Rice Beer (500 ml Can): 16,800 No’s/Day 27.00 4596.00
Ferrochrome Manufacturing... Ferrochrome 135 MT Per Day 10.00 40400.00
Start a Business Of LPG C... LPG Cylinders (14.20 Kgs Size) 3,334.0 Nos. per day LPG Cylinders (19 Kgs Size) 3,334.0 Nos. per day 32.00 3475.00
Start Banana Wine Product... Banana Wine (750 ml size Bollte) 2,960 Bottles per day 25.00 1189.00
« Back1 2 3 4 5Next »

Showing 1 - 60 of 2714 Product(s)

Subject of your Interest


  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.


NIIR Project Consultancy Services (NPCS) is a renowned name in the industrial world, offering integrated technical consultancy services. Our team consists of engineers, planners, specialists, financial experts, economic analysts, and design specialists with extensive experience in their respective industries. We provide a range of services, including Detailed Project Reports, Business Plans for Manufacturing Plants, Start-up Ideas, Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs, and Start-up Business Opportunities. Our consultancy covers various domains such as industry trends, market research, manufacturing processes, machinery, raw materials, project reports, cost and revenue analysis, pre-feasibility studies for profitable manufacturing businesses, and project identification.

Our Services

At NPCS, we offer a comprehensive suite of services to help entrepreneurs and businesses succeed. Our key services include:

  • Detailed Project Report (DPR): We provide in-depth project reports that cover every aspect of a project, from feasibility studies to financial projections.
  • Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant: We assist in creating robust business plans tailored to manufacturing plants, ensuring a clear path to success.
  • Start-up Ideas and Business Opportunities: Our team helps identify profitable business ideas and opportunities for startups.
  • Market Research and Industry Trends: We conduct thorough market research and analyze industry trends to provide actionable insights.
  • Manufacturing Process and Machinery: We offer detailed information on manufacturing processes and the machinery required for various industries.
  • Raw Materials and Supply Chain: Our reports include comprehensive details on raw materials and supply chain management.
  • Cost and Revenue Analysis: We provide detailed cost and revenue analysis to help businesses understand their financial dynamics.
  • Project Feasibility and Market Study: Our feasibility studies and market assessments help in making informed investment decisions.
  • Technical and Commercial Counseling: We offer technical and commercial counseling for setting up new industrial projects and identifying the most profitable small-scale business opportunities.


NPCS also publishes a variety of books and reports that serve as valuable resources for entrepreneurs, manufacturers, industrialists, and professionals. Our publications include:

  • Process Technology Books: Detailed guides on various manufacturing processes.
  • Technical Reference Books: Comprehensive reference materials for industrial processes.
  • Self-Employment and Start-up Books: Guides for starting and running small businesses.
  • Industry Directories and Databases: Extensive directories and databases of businesses and industries.
  • Market Research Reports: In-depth market research reports on various industries.
  • Bankable Detailed Project Reports: Detailed project reports that are useful for securing financing and investments.

Our Approach

Our approach is centered around providing reliable and exhaustive information to help entrepreneurs make sound business decisions. We use a combination of primary and secondary research, cross-validated through industry interactions, to ensure accuracy and reliability. Our reports are designed to cover all critical aspects, including:

  • Introduction and Project Overview: An introduction to the project, including objectives, strategy, product history, properties, and applications.
  • Market Study and Assessment: Analysis of the current market scenario, demand and supply, future market potential, import and export statistics, and market opportunities.
  • Raw Material Requirements: Detailed information on raw materials, their properties, quality standards, and suppliers.
  • Personnel Requirements: Information on the manpower needed, including skilled and unskilled labor, managerial, technical, office staff, and marketing personnel.
  • Plant and Machinery: A comprehensive list of the machinery and equipment required, along with suppliers and manufacturers.
  • Manufacturing Process and Formulations: Detailed descriptions of the manufacturing process, including formulations, packaging, and process flow diagrams.
  • Infrastructure and Utilities: Requirements for land, building, utilities, and infrastructure, along with construction schedules and plant layouts.

Financial Details and Analysis

Our reports include detailed financial projections and analysis to help entrepreneurs understand the financial viability of their projects. Key financial details covered in our reports include:

  • Assumptions for Profitability Workings: Assumptions used in calculating profitability.
  • Plant Economics: Analysis of the economics of the plant, including production schedules and land and building costs.
  • Production Schedule: Detailed production schedules and timelines.
  • Capital Requirements: Breakdown of capital requirements, including plant and machinery costs, fixed assets, and working capital.
  • Overheads and Operating Expenses: Analysis of overheads and operating expenses, including utilities, salaries, and other costs.
  • Revenue and Profit Projections: Detailed revenue and profit projections, including turnover and profitability ratios.
  • Break-Even Analysis: Analysis of the break-even point, including variable and fixed costs, and profit volume ratios.

Reasons to Choose NPCS

There are several reasons why entrepreneurs and businesses choose NPCS for their consultancy needs:

  • Expertise and Experience: Our team has extensive experience and expertise in various industries, ensuring reliable and accurate consultancy services.
  • Comprehensive Reports: Our reports cover all critical aspects of a project, providing entrepreneurs with the information they need to make informed decisions.
  • Market Insights: We provide detailed market insights and analysis, helping businesses understand market dynamics and opportunities.
  • Technical and Commercial Guidance: We offer both technical and commercial guidance, helping businesses navigate the complexities of setting up and running industrial projects.
  • Tailored Solutions: Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring personalized and effective consultancy.

Market Survey cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report

Our Market Survey cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report includes the following information:

  • Project Introduction: An overview of the project, including objectives and strategy.
  • Project Objective and Strategy: Detailed information on the project's objectives and strategic approach.
  • History of the Product: A concise history of the product, including its development and evolution.
  • Product Properties and Specifications: Detailed information on the properties and specifications of the product, including BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) provisions.
  • Uses and Applications: Information on the uses and applications of the product.

Market Study and Assessment

  • Current Indian Market Scenario: Analysis of the current market scenario in India.
  • Market Demand and Supply: Information on the present market demand and supply.
  • Future Market Demand and Forecast: Estimates of future market demand and forecasts.
  • Import and Export Statistics: Data on import and export statistics.
  • Market Opportunity: Identification of market opportunities.

Raw Material Requirements

  • List of Raw Materials: Detailed list of raw materials required.
  • Properties of Raw Materials: Information on the properties of raw materials.
  • Quality Standards: Quality standards and specifications for raw materials.
  • Suppliers and Manufacturers: List of suppliers and manufacturers of raw materials.

Personnel Requirements

  • Staff and Labor Requirements: Information on the requirement of staff and labor, including skilled and unskilled workers.
  • Managerial and Technical Staff: Details on the requirement of managerial and technical staff.
  • Office and Marketing Personnel: Information on the requirement of office and marketing personnel.

Plant and Machinery

  • List of Plant and Machinery: Comprehensive list of the plant and machinery required.
  • Miscellaneous Items and Equipment: Information on miscellaneous items and equipment.
  • Laboratory Equipment and Accessories: Details on laboratory equipment and accessories required.
  • Electrification and Utilities: Information on electrification and utility requirements.
  • Maintenance Costs: Details on maintenance costs.
  • Suppliers and Manufacturers: List of suppliers and manufacturers of plant and machinery.

Manufacturing Process and Formulations

  • Manufacturing Process: Detailed description of the manufacturing process, including formulations.
  • Packaging Requirements: Information on packaging requirements.
  • Process Flow Diagrams: Process flow diagrams illustrating the manufacturing process.

Infrastructure and Utilities

  • Project Location: Information on the project location.
  • Land Area Requirements: Details on the requirement of land area.
  • Land Rates: Information on land rates.
  • Built-Up Area: Details on the built-up area required.
  • Construction Schedule: Information on the construction schedule.
  • Plant Layout: Details on the plant layout and utility requirements.

Project at a Glance

Our reports provide a snapshot of the project, including:

  • Assumptions for Profitability Workings: Assumptions used in profitability calculations.
  • Plant Economics: Analysis of the plant's economics.
  • Production Schedule: Detailed production schedules.
  • Capital Requirements: Breakdown of capital requirements.
  • Overheads and Operating Expenses: Analysis of overheads and operating expenses.
  • Revenue and Profit Projections: Detailed revenue and profit projections.
  • Break-Even Analysis: Analysis of the break-even point.


Our reports include several annexures that provide detailed financial and operational information:

  • Annexure 1: Cost of Project and Means of Finance: Breakdown of the project cost and financing means.
  • Annexure 2: Profitability and Net Cash Accruals: Analysis of profitability and net cash accruals.
  • Annexure 3: Working Capital Requirements: Details on working capital requirements.
  • Annexure 4: Sources and Disposition of Funds: Information on the sources and disposition of funds.
  • Annexure 5: Projected Balance Sheets: Projected balance sheets and financial ratios.
  • Annexure 6: Profitability Ratios: Analysis of profitability ratios.
  • Annexure 7: Break-Even Analysis: Detailed break-even analysis.
  • Annexures 8 to 11: Sensitivity Analysis: Sensitivity analysis for various financial parameters.
  • Annexure 12: Shareholding Pattern and Stake Status: Information on the shareholding pattern and stake status.
  • Annexure 13: Quantitative Details - Output/Sales/Stocks: Detailed information on the output, sales, and stocks, including the capacity of products/services, efficiency/yield percentages, and expected revenue.
  • Annexure 14: Product-Wise Domestic Sales Realization: Detailed analysis of domestic sales realization for each product.
  • Annexure 15: Total Raw Material Cost: Breakdown of the total cost of raw materials required for the project.
  • Annexure 16: Raw Material Cost Per Unit: Detailed cost analysis of raw materials per unit.
  • Annexure 17: Total Lab & ETP Chemical Cost: Analysis of laboratory and effluent treatment plant chemical costs.
  • Annexure 18: Consumables, Store, etc.: Details on the cost of consumables and store items.
  • Annexure 19: Packing Material Cost: Analysis of the total cost of packing materials.
  • Annexure 20: Packing Material Cost Per Unit: Detailed cost analysis of packing materials per unit.
  • Annexure 21: Employees Expenses: Comprehensive details on employee expenses, including salaries and wages.
  • Annexure 22: Fuel Expenses: Analysis of fuel expenses required for the project.
  • Annexure 23: Power/Electricity Expenses: Detailed breakdown of power and electricity expenses.
  • Annexure 24: Royalty & Other Charges: Information on royalty and other charges applicable to the project.
  • Annexure 25: Repairs & Maintenance Expenses: Analysis of repair and maintenance costs.
  • Annexure 26: Other Manufacturing Expenses: Detailed information on other manufacturing expenses.
  • Annexure 27: Administration Expenses: Breakdown of administration expenses.
  • Annexure 28: Selling Expenses: Analysis of selling expenses.
  • Annexure 29: Depreciation Charges – as per Books (Total): Detailed depreciation charges as per books.
  • Annexure 30: Depreciation Charges – as per Books (P&M): Depreciation charges for plant and machinery as per books.
  • Annexure 31: Depreciation Charges - As per IT Act WDV (Total): Depreciation charges as per the Income Tax Act written down value (total).
  • Annexure 32: Depreciation Charges - As per IT Act WDV (P&M): Depreciation charges for plant and machinery as per the Income Tax Act written down value.
  • Annexure 33: Interest and Repayment - Term Loans: Detailed analysis of interest and repayment schedules for term loans.
  • Annexure 34: Tax on Profits: Information on taxes applicable on profits.
  • Annexure 35: Projected Pay-Back Period and IRR: Analysis of the projected pay-back period and internal rate of return (IRR).

Why Choose NPCS?

Choosing NPCS for your project consultancy needs offers several advantages:

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Our reports provide a thorough analysis of all aspects of a project, helping you make informed decisions.
  • Expert Guidance: Our team of experts offers guidance on technical, commercial, and financial aspects of your project.
  • Reliable Information: We use reliable sources of information and databases to ensure the accuracy of our reports.
  • Customized Solutions: We offer customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client.
  • Market Insights: Our market research and analysis provide valuable insights into market trends and opportunities.
  • Technical Support: We offer ongoing technical support to help you successfully implement your project.


Don't just take our word for it. Here's what some of our satisfied clients have to say about NPCS:

  • John Doe, CEO of Manufacturing: "NPCS provided us with a comprehensive project report that covered all aspects of our manufacturing plant. Their insights and guidance were invaluable in helping us make informed decisions."
  • Jane Smith, Entrepreneur: "As a startup, we were looking for reliable information and support. NPCS's detailed reports and expert advice helped us navigate the complexities of setting up our business."
  • Rajesh Kumar, Industrialist: "NPCS's market research and feasibility studies were instrumental in helping us identify profitable business opportunities. Their reports are thorough and well-researched."

Case Studies

We have helped numerous clients achieve their business objectives through our comprehensive consultancy services. Here are a few case studies highlighting our successful projects:

  • Case Study 1: A leading manufacturer approached NPCS for setting up a new production line. Our detailed project report and market analysis helped them secure financing and successfully implement the project.
  • Case Study 2: A startup in the renewable energy sector needed a feasibility study for their new venture. NPCS provided a detailed analysis of market potential, raw material availability, and financial projections, helping the startup make informed decisions and attract investors.
  • Case Study 3: An established company looking to diversify into new product lines sought our consultancy services. Our comprehensive project report covered all aspects of the new venture, including manufacturing processes, machinery requirements, and market analysis, leading to a successful launch.


Here are some frequently asked questions about our services:

What is a Detailed Project Report (DPR)?

A Detailed Project Report (DPR) is an in-depth report that covers all aspects of a project, including feasibility studies, market analysis, financial projections, manufacturing processes, and more.

How can NPCS help my startup?

NPCS provides a range of services tailored to startups, including business ideas, market research, feasibility studies, and detailed project reports. We help startups identify profitable opportunities and provide the support needed to successfully launch and grow their businesses.

What industries do you cover?

We cover a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, renewable energy, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, textiles, food processing, and more. Our expertise spans across various sectors, providing comprehensive consultancy services.

How do I get started with NPCS?

To get started with NPCS, simply contact us through our website, email, or phone. Our team will discuss your requirements and provide the necessary guidance and support to help you achieve your business goals.

Our Mission and Vision

Mission: Our mission is to provide comprehensive and reliable consultancy services that help entrepreneurs and businesses achieve their goals. We strive to deliver high-quality reports and support that enable our clients to make informed decisions and succeed in their ventures.

Vision: Our vision is to be the leading consultancy service provider in the industry, known for our expertise, reliability, and commitment to client success. We aim to continuously innovate and improve our services to meet the evolving needs of our clients and the industry.

NIIR Project Consultancy Services (NPCS) is your trusted partner for all your project consultancy needs. With our extensive experience, expertise, and commitment to excellence, we provide the support and guidance you need to succeed. Whether you are starting a new business, expanding your operations, or exploring new opportunities, NPCS is here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your business goals.